25 years passed...but what is left? What do you know about April 26, 1986. It was the day of the nuclear melt down in Bloc 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It was a day a nuclear cloud spreading radioactive particles started its journey over wide parts of Central and Eastern Europe. 25 years after this disaster: What is left? We can book trips to Pripyat which was discovered as a touristic attraction and we can get all information about the event in the internet. But how do we see it? Myth Chernobyl is a youth exchange in which young people from 5 countries met and discussed these topics.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Program

2011 has one special date – 25th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster which we do not want to leave without attention. Together with our partner organization, association of graphic designers "4th block", we propose to celebrate the 25th anniversary by addressing what is Myth Chernobyl – through the eyes of young people born after the accident, how they see and understand it.
The youth exchange will bring together 25 young people f...rom 5 countries and partner organizations such as SVIT-Ukraine, Ecocenter Zapovednics Russia, Duha Czech Republic, VIA Belgium and SCI Germany.

Aims of the project are:

- to facilitate an exchange among the participants, what Myth Chernobyl and Chernobyl accident, mean for them, as seen by the eyes of young people born after the disaster
- to raise the awareness of the participants in international and European context on energy issues, climate change, environmental sustainability issues and European energy policy
- to discuss links between energy issues and active citizenship - on examples of Chernobyl accident and other and how people can influence energy policy in their countries.


- Creating 2 models of the 4th reactor of Chernobyl nuclear power plant, collecting materials to fulfill the reactors – pictures, posters and statements, work on concept and design of the exhibition. One model of reactor will be filled with visual materials presenting Chernobyl accident as history – mostly photos made during the liquidation works at the Nuclear Power Plant and exclusion zone around Chernobyl from the collection of “4block”. The second model will reflect the Myth Chernobyl as seen with the eyes of young generation – visual materials developed by the participants, statements about the accident and other.
- Discussions and exchange within the group about Chernobyl disaster, what and how young people born during 25 years since the accident see and understand it, what it is for them nowadays – regarding use of energy, energy sources, environmental issues, climate change, health and other issues.
- Exhibition of the model and of posters by "4th block" dedicated to the accident. The participants will also have discussions with visitors and guest speakers who will come to the exhibition
- Creating a brochure and on-line platform dedicated to Myth Chernobyl where outcomes and visual materials of the project will be visible for others
- Excursions to the memorial places and intercultural evenings which will provide space for the participants to exchange and interact in informal way

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